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Written by Administrator |
Tuesday, 15 March 2011 20:42 |
In 1984, Marco Alexandre Rosário created an artistic project that years later was denominated Ogmios Publishing House (Seaculum Obscurum)/ Degenerated Art Recording (1986). The project, which produced poems, music and paintings, had its peak between the years of 1986 and 1987. In the second semester of 1987, however, the project suffered an abrupt interruption, only continuing its activities in relation to poetry and coming completely to an end in 1993.
In 2001, Marco Rosario met Tom Rapp and Meredith Monk, two big names in American music. In 2002, Ogmios Publishing House (Seaculum Obscurum)/Degenerated Art Recording retook its activities: new paintings were produced and new Books-Music were prepared. In 2002, Tom Rapp, leader of the legendary American group Pearls Before Swine (1967/1971) made a music for the poem "Lily" (Lily - Overture, in the English version), poem written in 1985, and inserted in the book "Flowers". In 2005, it was released on the Internet website www.seaculumobscurum.com internationally making public almost all the work done in the project. This website was accessed around the world, especially in USA and Brazil. In 2011 came the launch of the website www.seaculumobscurum.net. In addition to poems, songs, paintings and photographs, you can also access through these sites, a text written by Marco Alexandre Rosário, in which is told the history of Publisher Ogmios (Seaculum Obscurum)/Degenerate Art Recording.
These are the works and activities done by him in Publisher Ogmios (Seaculum Obscurum) - Degenerate Art Recording, in 32 years of existence (1984/2016): - "Poems" - (Book - Poetry/paintings/drawings) - 1984 (Belém-PA).
- "A Tale About São Francisco de Assis’Life" - (Book - tale/painting - missing work) - 1985 (Belém-PA).
- "Some Days in Childhood" - (Book - children's story/drawings) - 1985 (Belém-PA).
- "Flowers" - (Book - poetry/painting) - 1985 (Belém-PA).
- "The Colors" - (Book - poetry/painting) - 1985 (Belém-PA).
- "The Weaver of Landscapes" - Book-Music - (poetry/music/painting) - March/1986 (Belém-PA).
- "Seven Pearls for Hollandri" - (Book - Poetry) - June / 1986 (Belém-PA).
- "Surrealistic I" - (Book-Painting - missing work) - 1986 (Belém-PA).
- "Iluminuras - The Illuminations that Rimbaud didn’t light up in the Garden of the Blood Spotted Dolls" - Book-Music - (poetry/music/painting) - October/1986 (Belém-PA).
- "Garland of Bloody Flowers" - Book-Music - (poetry/music/painting) - February/1987 (Belém-PA).
- "Surrealistic II" - (Book-Painting - missing work) - 1987 (Belém-PA).
- "America Latrine & the American Gigolo" - (Book - Poetry) - 1988 (Belém-PA).
- "Invocations" - (Book - Poetry) - 1991 (Belém-PA).
- "The Last Circle of Stones" - Book-Music - (poetry/music/painting) - (collection, including the best musical projects done between 1981 and 1988) - 1993 (there is some included music, writeen between 2002 and 2005) (Belém -PA).
- "Amalgam - A Collection of Obscenities" - (Book - Poetry) - 1981-1993. Collection with several poems 2002 (Belém-PA).
- "Surrealistic III" - (Book - Painting) - September / 2002 (Belém-PA).
- "Surrealistic IV" - (Book - Painting) - September / 2002 (Belém-PA).
- "Songs to Marina" - Book-Music - (poetry/music/painting) - September / 2003 (Santarém-PA).
- "Winona and The Wheelchairs" - Compact - Book-Music (poetry/music) - October / 2003 (Santarém-PA).
- "Winona and The Wheelchairs" – album - Book-Music - (poetry/music/painting) - September / 2002 - July / 2005 (Santarém-PA).
- "New York-Paris" - Book-Music (poetry/music/painting) - June / 2004 - July / 2005 (Santarém-PA).
- Website Launch www.seaculumobscurum.com in June 2005 (Santarém-PA).
- "Stars Open Among the Lilies - I am too pure for you or anyone" (DVD) - 2005/2007 (Santarém-PA).
- Presentation, live in UFPA / Campus Santarém, in the 1st half / 2007, a cultural event, where she performed the song "The Zodiac", the Book-Music "Great Party, is not it?" (Santarém-PA) .
- "Great Party, isn’t it?" - Book-Music (poetry/music/painting) - 2007/2008 (Santarém-PA).
- Website Launch www.seaculumobscurum.net in December 2011 (Maraba-PA).
- Presentation, live (only running music), the cultural event (Extension Project) "Girlfriend of Art" in the Campus I of UNIFESSPA, on August 21, 2015, commemorating the 30th anniversary of Ogmios Publisher (Seaculum Obscurum) / Writer Degenerate Art (1984/2014) - (Maraba-PA).
- Presentation / Exhibition, live (with presentation of music, paintings, poems, photographs and texts, through banners), the cultural event (Extension Project) "Girlfriend of Art" in the Campus I of UNIFESSPA, on 28 October 2015, in commemoration of the 30th anniversary of Ogmios Publisher (Seaculum Obscurum) / Writer Degenerate Art (1984/2014) - (Maraba-PA).
- Launch of the page "Ogmios / Seaculum Obscurum-Facebook" Facebook (www.facebook.com), in March 2016, with exposure of the video with the implementation of the song "The Zodiac" (2007) and other songs, on 28 October 2015 in the cultural event "Girlfriend of Arts" (Maraba-PA).
- Launch of the page "Ogmios / Seaculum Obscurum blogspot.com.br" in April 2016 (Maraba-PA).
- Launch of the page Ogmios / Seaculu Obscurum on YouTube, with videos / songs "Lily (Lily) / 1985/2002, New York / 2005, Paris / 2005, and The Zodiac / 2007 (live performance in UNIFESSPA / Project "Girlfriend of Arts"), “Hiroshima/2005”, “Concerto para os Pássaros/1996”, “Prelúdio/1987”, “Lisa Tocando Seu Violino Em Meu Deserto/1987”, and other songs. - Launch of the page "Ogmios / Seaculum Obscurum blogspot.com.br" in April 2016 (Maraba-PA).
- Launch of the page "Ogmios Saeculum" on Twitter, in November 2016 (Marabá-PA).
- Launch of the page "Ogmios - Saeculum Obscurum" on Instagram, in November 2016.
- Launch of the page "Ogmios - Saeculum" on LinkedIn, November 2016. |
Last Updated on Thursday, 16 March 2017 21:31 |